Remote Work Policy

Work remotely with us. This page describes Get Hire Technologies’ remote work policy for qualified employees.

Effective date: 01/22/2023


Our company recognizes that remote work is becoming an increasingly popular option for many employees. To ensure that our employees have the flexibility they need to balance their work and personal lives, we have developed a remote work policy that outlines our expectations and guidelines for remote work.



All employees are eligible for remote work, subject to their job duties, performance, and manager approval. Employees who have been employed for at least six months and have a proven track record of productivity and self-discipline are more likely to be approved for remote work.


Remote employees must maintain regular communication with their team and manager via phone, email, or instant messaging. Remote employees should also make themselves available for video conferencing and other collaborative tools as needed.

Work Schedule:

Remote employees are expected to maintain regular business hours and adhere to the same work schedule as their in-office colleagues. Remote employees should also be available for meetings, deadlines, and other work-related commitments.

Work Environment:

Remote employees are responsible for providing a safe, secure, and comfortable work environment in their home or other remote location. Remote employees are also responsible for ensuring that their work environment meets any legal, health, and safety requirements.

Equipment and Expenses:

The company will provide remote employees with the necessary equipment, software, and tools required to perform their job duties. Remote employees are responsible for maintaining company equipment, reporting any issues promptly, and ensuring that their work environment meets the equipment’s requirements. Remote employees are also responsible for any additional expenses incurred in the course of their work, such as internet, phone, or office supplies.

Performance and Productivity:

Remote employees are expected to maintain the same level of productivity and quality of work as their in-office colleagues. Managers will monitor remote employees’ performance and productivity regularly and will provide feedback and coaching as needed.

Data Security:

Remote employees are expected to follow the same data security policies and procedures as their in-office colleagues. Remote employees are responsible for safeguarding company data and confidential information and ensuring that they use secure communication channels and devices.

Termination of Remote Work:

The company reserves the right to terminate an employee’s remote work arrangement at any time, for any reason. Reasons for termination may include but are not limited to performance issues, breach of company policies, or changes in business needs.


Our remote work policy is designed to provide employees with the flexibility they need to balance their work and personal lives while ensuring that the company’s expectations for productivity and performance are met. Remote work is a privilege and should be treated as such. By following this policy, remote employees can help ensure their success and the success of the company as a whole.